Kristen Salomon
I examine cardiovascular responses to stress, the psychosocial factors that moderate these responses, and how these work together to contribute to risk for cardiovascular disease. Thus far, my work has been guided by three research questions. First, what specific cardiovascular responses are important to coping with stress and to risk for cardiovascular disease? Second, what are some of the psychosocial factors that influence responses to stress and operate as risk factors for cardiovascular disease? Third, how do aspects of the social environment operate as sources of stress? To answer these questions, I investigate the reactivity hypothesis and the role of parasympathetic reactivity in stress and coping processes.
A second major area of my research involves examining perceptions of prejudice and discrimination among ethnic minorities and the role of these perceptions in explaining ethnic disparities in cardiovascular disease. I draw upon my multidisciplinary background of training in Social Psychology, Psychophysiology, and Health Psychology in pursuit of these interests. My goal throughout this diverse training is to fully understand and integrate all aspects of a biopsychosocial perspective on stress, cardiovascular reactivity and risk for cardiovascular disease.
Primary Interests:
- Culture and Ethnicity
- Health Psychology
- Neuroscience, Psychophysiology
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
Research Group or Laboratory:
Journal Articles:
- Blascovich, J., Mendes, W. B., Tomaka, J., Salomon, K., & Seery, M. (2003). The robust natures of the biopsychosocial model: A reply to Wright and Kirby. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 7, 234-243.
- Matthews, K. A., Salomon, K., Kenyon, K., & Zhou, F. (2005). Unfair treatment, discrimination, and ambulatory blood pressure in black and white adolescents. Health Psychology, 24, 258-265.
- Salomon, K. (2005). Respiratory sinus arrhythmia during stress predicts resting respiratory sinus arrhythmia 3 years later in a pediatric sample. Health Psychology, 24, 68 - 76.
- Salomon, K., Clift, A., Karlsdóttir, M., & Rottenberg, J. (2009). Major Depressive Disorder is associated with attenuated cardiovascular reactivity among those free of cardiovascular disease. Health Psychology, 2, 157 – 165.
- Salomon, K. & Jagusztyn, N. E. (2008). Cardiovascular reactivity to an interpersonal conflict is moderated by reports of ethnic discrimination. Health Psychology, 27, 473-481.
- Salomon, K., Matthews, K. A., & Allen, M. T. (2000). Patterns of sympathetic and parasympathetic reactivity in a sample of children and adolescents. Psychophysiology, 37, 842-849.
Courses Taught:
- Experimental Design and Analysis
- Psychophysiology
- Social Psychology
- Stress and Coping
Kristen Salomon
Department of Psychology
University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue, PCD 4118G
Tampa, Florida 33620
United States of America
- Phone: (813) 974-4922
- Fax: (813) 974-4617